Festival Season Hair Guide


Coachella kicked off the summer festival season last month, and our girl on the scene, Maple, brought back the low down on all the hair trends and some great tips for hair care on your festival adventures. Whether you're more down with indie rock shows, reggae fests or hip-hop showcases, we've got you covered!



Braids were everywhere at Coachella. Fishtails, dutch girl crowns and funky french braids. For your summer festy, start off simple. Messy braids are super on trend. Get braided by Mishi before you go. No muss no fuss, you can spend your time listening to the music,not worrying about your hair. Pull it out for day two or three and have beautiful tousled waves.


Bright wonderful fun colors are definitely an exciting summer statement. Teal was a showstopper at Coachella and definitely a Morphic favorite. Maple also saw purple and the classic flamingo pink.



Ombre is a sure win for summer hair, and we had many coming in for this treatment before their Coachella trip!  Ombre gives hair that "been in the sun" look. For a natural, bohemian feel that seems effortless, this is the way to go!


Are you heading to some summer festivals this year? How will you show off your festival-perfect hair? 

The original peek-a-boo of the 1940s


Destined on a hair journey for a discovery, Mishi found just that at hair-storian Jeff Hafler's museum in Twentynine Palms, California. Lo and behold, Mishi came across a 1940s Duart Perm Machine once owned by one of Veronica Lake's hairdressers, Earle Adams, who donated the perm machine to Hafler's museum in recent years. Giving a brief narration into the life of Lake, Hafler stated that she "was famous for her hair and it was believed that after she was asked to cut it during the war, it was the demise of her career". During the Great War, women went to work in the factories with Lake's popularized style. Reports claim of women unable to see through their bangs and consequently lost their fingers or got their hair caught in the machines! Lake was pressured to make a statement and shift the hair trend by cutting her hair, which ultimately back fired never to return into the lime light.

The caption reads: Veronica Lake was known for wearing her hair with a sultry swoop covering one eye. It was coined "The Veronica Lake dip" and was copied in hair salons across the country. But in 1943 the peekaboo blonde hair do was a war menace. Defense plant workers wearing the Veronica Lake dip were getting their hair caught in the machines, and the War Productions Board, promoting its own image of Rosie the Riveter, asked the star to give up her famous trademark "for the duration." On the advice of Paramount she posed again for Life with her golden tresses braided and pinned to her scalp and announced, "Any woman who wears her hair over one eye is silly." She had done her part for the war effort but without her sultry, languid dip her movie career sputtered into oblivion. -Femininity

Rene Furterer

There is much for us to be proud of including our trusted product line by creator Rene Furterer, who began in the 1950s in his career as a hair dresser. Motivated to come up with a solution to the a constant stream of gals with over-processed hair that resulted from constant bleaching to achieve Marilyn’s coveted locks, Furterer pioneered the art of recreating beautiful hair using the curative elements of plant based ingredients. Furterer built the foundation of his product like based on the idea that “beautiful hair grows from a healthy scalp like a plant in fertile soil”. Harnessing the nourishing and restoring properties of essential oils and plant extracts, Furterer created a pharmaceutical grade product line customizable to every condition of hair.

In 1980, Rene Furterer partnered with Pierre Fabre Laboratories a pharmaceutical company as a way to bring the quality of ingreditents to be some of the finest in the world in phyto-cosmetology. Today Rene Furterer salons and products can be found around the world...Morphic being one of the them. If you ever get a chance you must check out the Rene Furterer Institute and Salon located in the heart of Paris!

the tangle teezer


We are so excited to share with you the latest addition to the Morphic aresenal: the Tangle Teezer. This little beauty tool de-tangles your hair like no one's business! First, spray a light coating of leave-in conditioner on your hair. Then, start combing at the ends of your hair, and work your way up. The Tangle Teezer combs your hair effortlessly, smoothing each strand into the silkiest of locks. It also gives you a gently invigorating scalp massage as you brush. It feels so good, I almost started purring! And for all of you ladies who love to back comb your hair, the Tangle Teezer smooths out the snarls perfectly. These fab brushes range from $12.99 to $18.99 and come in a variety of different colors. Give it a try. You will love it!