Morphic joins live-streaming site Twitch

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“Welcome to a community where millions of people and thousands of interests collide in a beautiful explosion of video games, pop culture, and conversation. With chat built into every stream, you don’t just watch on Twitch, you’re a part of the show. From classic tv show marathons to e-sports tournaments, if you can imagine it, it’s probably live on Twitch right now.”

Morphic is excitedly joining the masses on the latest Internet craze: Twitch. When Amazon bought the company in 2014, on the strength of its user base, most of the activity was people watching each other play video games. Gaming is still its primary activity, but creative (music, painting, sculpture and more) and IRL (in-real-life) communities have sprung up like wildfire.

Given that we love community, creativity and exploring the forward edges of culture, Twitch is a no-brainer for us. Morphic will go live a few times a week, sharing strategies and technique, and giving you a more regular glimpse into the salon you love. One of Twitch’s best features is the live chat room alongside the live video feed. You can ask questions, share ideas and be part of the conversation while the stream is happening.

Tune in to see: techniques for caring for your hair, proper blow drying for different kinds of hair, balayage strokes and processing, product reviews, educational how-to-care-for-your-hair moments, or just watch our talented stylists in action.

Find us here:
You can watch anytime, but if you want to interact you’ll need to create an account.

If you’re on Twitch too, comment below with your handle and we’ll follow you!