The Road to Healthy Asian Blonde

Have you heard the news? Blonde hair color for Asian women is IN!

The time for adventurous Asian hair color has arrived, and as a hair stylist, I couldn’t be more thrilled. And while this is exciting news, I don’t want us to rush going blonde too fast, and forget about hair health. When taking Asian hair to a blonde color it can take two to four sessions to get the color just right. Think about it this way: on the hair color spectrum platinum is 10 and black is 1. Asian hair tends to range between 1 and 3. When you process, you should only go up by 3 to 5 levels in the spectrum so that your hair remains healthy. Of course, there are amazing hair saving products like Olaplex that we can add on to your color service, but it’s important to not forget your basics of coloring.

I have a wonderful client, Janice, who has been with me since June 2014. She started out with black hair on the spectrum at a 2, and her goal was a golden blonde ombre. Here's Janice before we started:

To accomplish her brilliant blonde, I did 6 color services over the span of 3 months. We built the color up over time, and trimmed her hair every other session.  We have finally gotten to our golden destination, and now we just upkeep her hair with partials and mini express services.

The proof is in the picture! Just look at that beautiful, healthy, blonde hair! It glows! You’ve got to trust the process, and not rush it so that your hair remains healthy and vibrant for the long haul. Give us a call if you are interested getting your blonde on!

More on Janice’s Formula:
Blue Platinum 40 vol
Toner- 10.12 + 9.11 Dia Light  6 vol
Olaplex 20 mins

Hair by Mishi Nova
Makeup by Emi Navas
Photography by Christina Campbell